Sunday, June 11, 2017

God Loves YOU!

I believe many are desperate today more than ever to have an authentic love in their life but don't know how to obtain it. You may look for it in alcohol, pills or sex but it never fills that hole inside of you. That is because we were all created with a God hole in us and it can't be filled by anyone or anything but Him. The problem is that many have a warped view of God or a perception that is false. I just want you to know no matter what circumstance you find yourself in or how your life has been played out up to this point, there is HOPE! God loves you more than you could possibly imagine and wants to have a relationship with YOU!! No matter what you have done, no matter how far you think you have fallen, He wants and loves YOU!

It isn't about religion, but relationship. He sent us His son, Jesus to die for our sins so that we don't have to spend eternity without Him. He longs to have us live with Him forever but will not force Himself on us. This life is truly a blink of an eye in light of all eternity yet many people don't give it much thought.

I just want to encourage people to stop and think about how short this life really is and to know how much God truly loves and cares about you. For those that are angry with God or have a thousand questions, He is alright with that. Tell Him how you feel and be real with Him because He can take it and even welcomes it. You are precious to Him! Give Him a chance and you will see how much He can change your life.

God bless!

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Tough Times

If you're going through a tough time right now, feeling like you have no hope or too depressed to even get out of bed, I want to tell you don't give up! If you're on this earth it means your assignment is not over. God has a plan for you! Yes, YOU! His Word says in Jeremiah 29:11: For I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord. They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope. I know looking around at the world today and seeing so much turmoil and problems it can seem overwhelming. Many of you may not even believe in the Lord or are unsure of what you believe. I can tell you from my experience, He is very real and gives a peace that truly is supernatural especially when going through a storm.

People will fail us at times. We will go through trials and tribulations. Yes, life can be hard, BUT you can walk through it with joy, peace and strength when you know the One who gives you life. I'd like to pray for any of you out there who are having a difficult time right now. If you would like prayer, please let me know. Again, don't give up! No matter what!


Sunday, January 4, 2015


Dear Son,

I want you to know that our God is alive and still working in the lives of His people today. He not only cares about the big things in our lives, but even those things you would think are not important at all. All throughout the Bible it talks about the Lord giving people dreams and visions. That wasn't just for that time, but still happens today as well. Your daddy woke up from a dream the Lord gave him in detail of what to do with your tv to get it working right. He went into your room and did exactly what God showed him to do in the dream and it worked perfectly. What an awesome God! Something that seems so trivial He cared about because He knew that we cared about it. God is in and wants to be in the big and little details of our life. Sometimes He uses a dream to show us just that!

Love eternally,

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Days of Doubt

Have you ever felt you were just going around and around the same circle in life? Well, I sure have lately. I have my days that I feel strong and happy in my walk with the Lord, and then days like today where He seems so far away.  That's when I rely  on faith to see me through. Faith is the substance of things unseen, yet hoped for. It doesn't help that I've been sick for the last five days either. Your mind can go many places when you feel isolated and cut off from the world. I know I need to remember the real battle for all people is in the mind. When I get to this point and feel this cloud hanging over me, I honestly start feeling better by saying or writing what I'm thankful for, and also pray for others and what they may be going through.  It helps me get out of my pity party. These are times I can't go by my feelings but rather what I know is true. This life is so short. I just want to make sure what I do in life counts!

Monday, February 24, 2014

Not About Me

I started this blog because of a close friend of mine who said she felt I should start one. I'll be honest, I wasn't receptive at first because I didn't think of myself as a blogger. I honestly didn't know if I wanted to open up and share things with others I didn't know and really put myself out there knowing I'd probably be judged by some people. That's when I realized this is not about me. It is about God and what He wants to do through me. You see, if I'm going to call this blog Revealing My Reality, then I'm going to do just that, and if what I have to say helps just one person, then it will be worth it! Hopefully, you'll follow along and become more confident in revealing your reality as I share mine with you!