Sunday, March 30, 2014

Days of Doubt

Have you ever felt you were just going around and around the same circle in life? Well, I sure have lately. I have my days that I feel strong and happy in my walk with the Lord, and then days like today where He seems so far away.  That's when I rely  on faith to see me through. Faith is the substance of things unseen, yet hoped for. It doesn't help that I've been sick for the last five days either. Your mind can go many places when you feel isolated and cut off from the world. I know I need to remember the real battle for all people is in the mind. When I get to this point and feel this cloud hanging over me, I honestly start feeling better by saying or writing what I'm thankful for, and also pray for others and what they may be going through.  It helps me get out of my pity party. These are times I can't go by my feelings but rather what I know is true. This life is so short. I just want to make sure what I do in life counts!